Why integrate video into your marketing strategy ?


To stay ahead of the competition and raise brand awareness, every company needs to constantly improve its communications strategy. With the video format occupying first place on the podium of the most consumed products (ahead of images and text), using it in your marketing strategy has become a must. And with digital now playing such […]

How to become a videographer ?

Becoming a videographer in France is an easily achievable goal, thanks to a variety of specialized and recognized training courses. Whether you’re attracted by prestigious schools like La Fémis, state-run grandes écoles like ENS Louis-Lumière, or renowned institutions like GOBELINS, each of the courses suggested in this article offers essential skills for success in videography. […]

How to find a good videographer?

vidéaste video maker

Has your marketing director tasked you with finding a good, competent, friendly and inexpensive videographer for the next corporate film? It is like finding a needle in a haystack? You are not the only one. From the outside, the world of video production can be a confusing place. But do not panic! Here we share […]