
What are the best video formats for your business in 2024?

In 2024, video branding continues to play a crucial role in helping companies strengthen their brand image, establish an emotional relationship with their audience and increase their visibility. In this article, Solid Rusk guides you through the best video formats to publish on your social networks to boost your company’s branding.

The best video formats for your business

Table des matières

1. Brand Storytelling Videos

  • Why: Brand storytelling videos share your company’s vision, values and mission in an authentic, human way. They are effective in creating an emotional connection with your audience.
  • Example: A video that shows where the company comes from, what drives it, and how it makes a difference in people’s lives.
  • Benefit: Reinforces brand loyalty by showing the company’s authenticity.


💡 Solid Rusk’s tip #1: Tell a visually coherent story.

Good brand storytelling relies not just on words, but on visual and narrative continuity. Your video should have a strong visual identity and recurring elements (colors, logos, typography) so that people can immediately associate what they see with your brand.

Tip: Maintain a consistent graphic charter throughout your videos. Work with videographers to create consistent, polished visuals that reflect your company’s values.

2. Customer and/or employee testimonial videos

  • Why: Customer and/or employee testimonials are an extremely powerful form of social proof. They show how your products or services have a positive impact on real users.
  • Example: Short interviews with satisfied customers sharing their experiences and the success they’ve achieved thanks to your products/services.
  • Benefit: Increases credibility and builds brand trust.


💡 Solid Rusk’s tip #2: Capture emotion with people-centric storytelling.

Emotions are what make people remember a brand, or not. Even in a professional environment, incorporating real emotions, via human stories or personal testimonials, can make a video far more memorable. In this way, your brand will earn a place in the heart of your ideal prospect.

Tip: Conduct interviews with employees or customers in which they share their passion and successes. Tell stories that highlight your company’s human values.

3. Educational content videos (tutorials and “How-to” formats)

  • Why: Sharing useful, practical information with your audience positions the company as an expert in its field. This type of content attracts an audience looking for concrete, quickly and easily actionable solutions and expert advice.
  • Example: Explanatory videos or tutorials on how to use a product, or industry advice.
  • Benefit: Generates value for the audience while increasing brand visibility.


🎥 The Youtube channel that will put a dust in your eye

The YouTube channel Dad, How Do I? was created by Rob Kenney, a man who offers practical advice on everyday tasks such as changing a tire, checking the oil in the car, tying a tie or unclogging a sink.

These video vignettes are aimed particularly at those who haven’t had a father figure to teach them these skills. Rob, whose father left when he was 12, wanted to help those who, like him, grew up without access to these essential tips.

The videos feature a caring, straightforward tone, making Rob a kind of “web dad” for many people looking for practical advice and moral support.

Launched in April 2020, the channel quickly became a huge success, reaching millions of subscribers. Rob explained that his aim was not only to teach practical skills, but also to offer emotional support, with videos that appealed to an audience in search of a parent figure. His authentic, empathetic approach has won over a wide audience.

Take a cue from Rob and adopt the “useful video + authenticity” combination yourself.

4. Product demo videos

  • Why: Showing how a product or service works in an engaging, visual way helps potential customers better understand its benefits.
  • Example: A video that highlights a product’s features, how to use it and its unique benefits. A restaurant, for example, could produce a video advising on food and wine pairing. A clothing brand, on the other hand, could make videos that immerse the audience in the brand’s universe, visualizing people wearing the brand’s clothes. The customer is projected into the brand’s world, making him or her more likely to buy your product.
  • Benefit: Helps convert prospects into customers by clearing up doubts or answering frequently asked questions, and allows the customer to project themselves with your product.


💡 Solid Rusk’s tip #3: Use interactive video to boost engagement

Interaction is the key to engagement. Interactive videos allow viewers to participate, choose their own narrative path or discover additional details. This immersion creates a stronger emotional bond with your audience.

Tip: Use tools like Vidyard or Wistia to create interactive videos where viewers can click on elements, ask questions, or choose which chapters to view.

5. Live Streaming

  • Why: Live-streaming videos are very popular for real-time interaction with the audience. They give a sense of exclusivity and authenticity, while encouraging instant engagement.
  • Example: A live product launch, a Q&A session, interviews with experts or company executives.
  • Benefit: Encourages immediate engagement and creates a real-time connection with the audience.

In particular, many communications agencies are creating their own Twitch / Youtube shows to have their own columns and host influential experts, etc., which considerably strengthens the notoriety and brand image of these agencies.

6. Vertical videos for social networks

  • Why: With the rise in popularity of platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts, vertical videos are a great way to reach a younger, more dynamic audience.
  • Example: Short, punchy videos showcasing products, trends, or moments from daily life within the company.
  • Benefit: Quickly captures attention on platforms with high mobile consumption, where short videos dominate.


💡 Solid Rusk’s tip #4: Optimize for mobile first!

In 2024, most video consumption will take place on mobile. It’s essential to think about how your content will be perceived on smartphone screens, and to adapt your videos to a vertical or even square format for social networks.

Tip: Produce your videos directly in vertical format for smartphone users and focus on impactful visual elements that stand out even on a phone screen.

💡Solid Rusk’s tip #5: Favor short, impactful videos.

Short video formats are essential for capturing attention on social networks, especially on platforms like TikTok or Instagram Reels. In just a few seconds, you need to intrigue, captivate and convince.

Tip: Concentrate on videos of less than 60 seconds, with a powerful message in the first few seconds. Use quick editing techniques and add subtitles for better accessibility.

7. Behind-the-Scenes videos

  • Why: Behind-the-scenes footage of an event, project or company operation creates a more personal connection with the audience.
  • Example: Images of event preparations, or a video showing the production team at work.
  • Benefit: Humanizes the brand and gives the impression of being an “insider” to your followers.

💡 Solid Rusk’s tip #6: Just like at McDo’, come as you are! Be authentic and stay humble

Today’s audience is more sensitive than ever to authenticity. Companies that show their vulnerability or admit their mistakes while demonstrating their ability to learn and improve capture attention. In your videos, don’t try to be perfect; try to be real! #OnVeutDuVrai

Tip: Shoot simpler videos with behind-the-scenes formats to show behind-the-scenes and humanize your brand. Film real conversations between your teams or customers.


💡 Solid Rusk’s tip #7: Focus on the consistency of your video efforts.

A single video is no longer enough. In 2024, the key is to regularly produce video content to maintain a consistent presence. Your videos need to tell a coherent overall story, with regular episodes that build audience loyalty.

Tip: Launch a video series on a topic relevant to your industry or audience. For example, a SaaS company might publish weekly training videos on specific features of its software.

Companies looking to boost their branding in 2024 should focus on videos that emphasize authenticity, interaction and personalization. By combining traditional formats such as testimonials and product demonstrations with innovative formats such as immersive and interactive videos, companies can more effectively engage their audience and reinforce their brand image.

By following these tips from experts in marketing and video production, you can create videos that capture attention, evoke emotions and build a strong, lasting brand identity.

Entrust the production and editing of your video vignettes to SolidRusk Production.

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Article written by Emeline l Prête-moi ta plume