
How to become a videographer: my 5 tips for getting started

Have you always had a passion for video, but you’re not sure you can make a career out of it? What skills do you need, what equipment do you need, where do you start? The questions are numerous, and the scale of the task can quickly discourage you. But don’t panic! ” Rome wasn’t built in a day “. If you’ve discovered my path to becoming a videographer, you’ll have realized that I didn’t fall into it as a child. Video came naturally to me over the years. And it was by learning on the job that I perfected my skills. Far from extolling the virtues of the great private schools or telling you the story of a storytelling crush, I’d simply like to share with you a few “tips and tricks” that have helped me succeed in this profession.

So, if you too want to become a videographer, are considering a career change or setting up your own video production company, but don’t know where to start, check out my 5 tips for getting started.

Table des matières

Define your goal and stick to it

My first piece of advice may seem obvious, but it’s essential. As with any project, embarking on this profession requires a certain amount of rigor. Knowing where you’re going, why you’re going and defining your objective are key to success as a videographer. So, before getting started, start by asking yourself the right questions: why am I doing this? What do I want to show? What means of distribution will I use, and for what audience?

Positioning yourself is essential. It all depends on what you want to achieve. The process will vary depending on the type of video or photo you want to produce. What’s more, you’ll find it easier to find your way around once you’ve studied your project carefully. Finally, keep in mind that your initial “why” must above all respond to your desires and give meaning to your passion. So don’t put too much pressure on yourself… 😉

Equip yourself and master your equipment

Now that your project is taking shape, it’s time to get your equipment! My second piece of advice is to invest in your own equipment. And when I say invest, don’t go out and buy the latest RED Dragon or Blackmagic. The most important thing is tohave the right equipment to start with, and to master it. Having your own equipment means you won’t have to depend on rentals, and above all, you’ll be able to train with it and use it whenever you want. Take the time to get to know your tools, to try them out, to observe and understand the different settings, the different functions… Once you’ve mastered your equipment, you’ll be able to diversify.

For example, I advise you to invest in several lenses. This versatility will enable you to respond more easily to the various projects that will be proposed to you, and to adapt your price to the equipment required. Ideally, you should have the “Holy Trinity” to cover all focal lengths:

  • 12 – 24 mm : Wide angle
  • 24 – 70 mm : The Swiss Army knife
  • 70 – 200 mm: The telephoto zoom

And if you’re still on a budget, a 50mm or 85mm lens with a nice aperture, for a cinematic effect.

Train as hard as you can

Once you’re comfortable with your equipment, we can move on to my third tip : training. That’s right! You don’t become Kubrick overnight. The best way to learn is to practice. So don’t be afraid, in the first instance, to try your hand at a lot of different things, and to give your friends and family free jobs. Practice as much as you can, everywhere, as soon as you can, whatever the field.

You’ll learn to compose your frame, master image colorimetry, play with light and adapt to the constraints of your different playgrounds. This will give you solid experience for the future. Try to do as many weddings as possible. There’s nothing more formative for a budding videographer!

Far from being confined to the role of the “guy who films”, you’ll learn to develop your interpersonal skills and become a real conductor. Guiding guests, putting them at ease to pose, capturing the right angle, the right light… These are all skills that will serve you well in your future career.

What’s more, weddings give you the chance to meet lots of people, activate word-of-mouth and create your own network.

Developing your network

Let’s talk about the network! If there’s one piece of advice you shouldn’t overlook, it’s this.

Networking is essential if you want to get known (and stay known!). That’s why it’s so important to develop your interpersonal skills and your address book. You need to be omnipresent in the minds of your potential future customers, and you need to be constantly present. To achieve this, don’t hesitate to post your work on social networks. In addition to creating a “portfolio”, a showcase, this will show that you’re “active”. Post regularly, showing that you’re present. It’ll give the impression that you’re in demand. What’s more, if you want to set up in a particular area, think about creating (and nurturing!) your own customer base. Having a thorough knowledge of the area and its surroundings will make it easier for you to canvass the businesses and individuals around you. In addition to having a potential “niche” at your disposal, this will limit your travel expenses, a real plus for your customers!

Don't be afraid to take the plunge

Finally, my last piece of advice: don’t be afraid of something you don’t know how to do. If you’re offered a project for which you need equipment, rent it! A project for which you’re lacking a little knowledge? A technique you haven’t mastered? Instead of stammering, just say yes, and you’ll be on your way 😉

These days, you can find almost anything on the Internet. Watch YouTube tutorials and learn by doing. Dare to step out of your comfort zone, step by step. It’s by taking on these little challenges that you’ll get there! 💪

That’s it! You now have all the keys you need to get started as a videographer. Whether you’ve already got a foot in the door or are starting from scratch, keep in mind that the only limit is the one you set for yourself. And that, to quote a great name in cinema, ” anything is possible to those who dream, dare, work and never give up. ” Confidence and glibness will come with time. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes – they’re the best way to learn.

And finally, remember that you have to start small before you can think big.

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